When you need to know the facts, count on us to investigate them. We're a licensed, insured, and bonded private investigation firm in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Clients throughout Wyoming and Northern Colorado can contact us for assistance and receive a free phone consultation. We also accept out-of-state referrals from attorneys requiring an investigation in our region. We're extremely knowledgeable and have extensive experience in the private and public sectors. You get substance, not flash, and that makes an important difference in your legal matter. Our reputation is solid, and 70% of our clients are referred to us.
Stephen J. Miller is our senior private investigator with more than 40 years of experience. After a 25-year career in law enforcement, he founded our company in 2003.
Rely on our experience in civil and criminal investigations. Contact us to locate and interview key witnesses, and we'll get the job done properly. We also make process serving easy for your law firm.
Corporate customers hire us to investigate due diligence matters. Find out exactly where you stand. We also undertake workplace investigations when you suspect you're a victim of embezzlement or fraud.
Private individuals can also come to us for help. We investigate missing person cases, child custody cases, and personal injury claims. We'll search court and public records for the information you need.